Saturday, March 24, 2012

That Don't Impress-A-Me Much

The first roll I shot with La Sardina, A.K.A. Lena Del Rieke, was ruined (because I did not lock the lens into place). Who knows what that roll would have looked like anyway because I am a crappy Lomographer.

Here are some birthday shots from Pink Eye:

I hope there's Lomography 101 at CSN.

Dusted out the ol' Vivitar Mini, A.K.A. Lil' Viv. She's fun and unpredictable.

She also drains the battery fast. And I have to upload pictures before the battery dies, or else they disappear. Or maybe I don't know what I'm doing. That's most likely the case.


  1. i love the film pictures so much. i'm an old soul.

    1. analog is the shizz. but these trial and
      error lomo projects are gettin 'spensive.

  2. stop tempting me to use different cams!!! i'll never finish the rolls!!!

    1. variety is the spice of life! like
      MRS. DASH for people with stones!

  3. now i wanna try out the old keychain cam today. grrr.
