Saturday, March 24, 2012

That Don't Impress-A-Me Much

The first roll I shot with La Sardina, A.K.A. Lena Del Rieke, was ruined (because I did not lock the lens into place). Who knows what that roll would have looked like anyway because I am a crappy Lomographer.

Here are some birthday shots from Pink Eye:

I hope there's Lomography 101 at CSN.

Dusted out the ol' Vivitar Mini, A.K.A. Lil' Viv. She's fun and unpredictable.

She also drains the battery fast. And I have to upload pictures before the battery dies, or else they disappear. Or maybe I don't know what I'm doing. That's most likely the case.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Thriftster Grifter

Today, I went to Deseret Industries and came home with too many records. I need to invest in one of those mobile record players to tote around when I go thrifting. Not that I usually regret the records I buy, but I bet I wouldn't leave the thrift shop with as many records. Because 50 cents a pop is too rich for my blood.

As much as I love record stores (especially Amoeba and Rasputin's - I can easily lose half a day and half my bank account there), I find the gnarliest, weirdest records at places like Goodwill and DI.

And sometimes I make out like a bandit.

Instant wall art.

Getting ready for Europe 2012. Or Europe 2022. Let's be real. I work at the Gap.

Who would buy an 8 track player in 2012? This guy.$3!

Another DIY project waiting for me in the garage. $3! I figure it will make for a cool spice rack, or something one day. Always thinking ahead.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Spoiled Like Milk.

This past weekend was dedicated to me being spoiled for my mere existence. We stayed at the El Cortez Cabana Suites (again). Not only was it Saint Patrick's Day weekend, the walls were painted green and the entire floor smelled like marijuana.

We had dinner at the Grand Luxe Cafe inside the Pallazo where I stuffed my fat face with pot roast gravy fries, double stuffed spring rolls, mini sliders and beeeeeeeeer. An obligatory cupcake was had as well as intoxicated cosmetic shopping where I purchased a Tokidoki compact and the Clinique Dark Spot Corrector. I'm not getting any younger, you know.

The next day involved me getting the most awesome tattoo ever: It's Chance Gomez's traditional take on Kylie Minogue's Aphrodite on my sausage arm.

He's really freakin talented (and a true gentleman), and I can't wait to finish my arm! And then start on my legs...

We went to Paymon's Mediterranean Cafe for dinner with friends. Me and B split an order of garlic pesto hummus, Athens fries and the gyro platter as well as stinky farts. We were quickly reminded why we stopped eating there. Then we went to the Artifice for adult beverages and really bad local music. I was torn between wanting to snowboard and motorcross. Bros before hoes!

The next day was check out :( We had brunch at Mon Ami Gabi in the Paris. I had the richest salmon eggs benedict, a mimosa and ginger peach tea. It was delish. I thought I hated quiche until I stole a few bites off of B's plate. Hehe.

We walked off our breakfast buzz while shopping. B got me a couple tanks from the Men's department of Suburban Troutfisters. Gotta do some bicep curls to get right for the summer. I got a new cardigan and another tank from American Apparel because I'm a yupster.

B treated me to a pedi. I immediately apologized to the pedicurist for the 5+ year absence.

We ended my birthday weekend with expensive champagne and ravioli! Cliquot is NO JOKE. That stuff is $40 a bottle for a reason. Smooth and potent. Can't wait to have Cristal next year! Just kidding! Not really! Best birthday weekend ever? Yes. A million gajillion times yes! I got the best PYT. THE BEST!!!

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Treat Yo'Self: Birthday Edition

I got really old yesterday, so I started off the celebration with a Patron Silver margarita that was buy-one-get-one free. I only had one because I had to work this morning.

After work I received a surprise package in the mail from my cousins! How incredibly sweet of them! I almost cried! ALMOST.

Then I got birthday cupcakes in a cute ceramic muffin mold! I don't know if it's actually usable or just for decor. Either way, I don't bake :)

I also got a new duvet cover and mustache pillow cases!!! My Ikea ones have seen better, non-menstrual days :(

And look at this huge new bag that's big enough to carry a litter of kittens! Speaking of, my mom forgot it was my birthday yesterday. She's old, so I wasn't bothered by it. But how can you forget that day you birthed a brat that left you a gnarly c-scar across your abdomen?! I'm every way.

Monday, March 12, 2012

Fisheye Fail Whale


I noticed I had most of a roll left in PINK EYE, so I took her along for a Sabbath outing to the SF Supermarket in Chinatown. Man, that place stinks.

thanks, but no thanks

meat is murder

use your flash, dummy!

Sunday's theme was PLURALITY IN ITSELF.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Camera Colescura


Because digital is so 2011...and the medium I used to take the above photo.

The first Lomo I owned is the SuperSampler, which I named SS. I still can't get the film out of her because I am an idiot. There is a roll in there from 2005! Mostly ruined, I'm sure.

The second Lomo I owned is the Fisheye. Her name is Pink Eye. I've had her for almost five years and I still don't know how she works. When I develop a roll, I usually get 4 or 5 good pictures out of 24. Hilare, I know.

Lake Tahoe, CA

Heavenly, Lake Tahoe, CA

Berkeley, CA

AT&T Park, San Francisco, CA

AT&T Park, San Francisco, CA

San Francisco, CA

Disneyworld, Orlando, FL

Red Line, Chicago, IL

West Grace Street, Chicago, IL

Water Tower, Chicago, IL

The newest addition is La Sardina, who I have affectionately named Lena Del Rieke. I got her as an early birthday gift from the best person I know. I actually read the instructions on how to use her, so expect a grip of birthday weekend debauchery Lomography in a future post. Hopefully, it won't be all of me over-the-hill crying at the El Cortez.