Lena and I went to an amazing DIY wedding.

I didn't take a lot of photos. I was distracted by the food, booze and the pain in my feet from wearing heels.

Lena did a really good job making me look like a woman. It ain't easy...or cheap!

We had an anniversary and totally fell off the vegan wagon.

The Giants won the World Series again.

Fixed my olde Polaroid Mio and sacrificed an exposure in the process.
I scanned a lot of photos. This one makes my mom look like a rough-n-tumble motorcycle lady. I won't confirm or deny if she was. Let Erlinda be an enigma.
Disneyland is a classic in itself. I think my mom has gone more times than me. That lady in the Pepto colored top is distracting.
And so is my dad's mustache.

If you look closely, there is a crease in the photo from the disapproval of my first interracial relationship. My Auntie Ning used to watch this kid. Apparently he was a crybaby and I would console him. "Jamal, stop being a little bitch." Just kidding, I don't remember his name.

It was All Souls Day and I missed my grandma a lot. I always miss her. The back of the photo translates as "To Grandpa Anoy. Mother and Nicole Entrolezo Espinosa. Nicole is two years old. She's always with me. She calls me 'Mother.'" For the longest time, I did not know that "nanay" meant "mom." Everyone called my grandma nanay, so I went with it. My middle name isn't my mom's maiden name, by the way. I think it might have been my dad's decision.
I rediscovered the beauty of my mom's photos. This is New Year's Day in San Francisco some time in the 1970s. My mom said that everyone took advantage of the paper tossing to dump actual garbage.
Japantown, San Francisco...which I still have never been to.

And my mom's first car, a tomato red Toyota Corolla. I vaguely remember it. My mom gave it to my Uncle Rudy (her little brother) when he immigrated to the States. He traded it in for an ugly Nissan and my mom cried. I remember that ugly Nissan. It was a tragedy of the '80s in itself.

Anyway, I was inspired to dust off the olde Olympus Pen. I took pictures with it before. Once when I went to the Planetarium in the 5th grade and my first year at Girl's Camp when I was 14. The pictures turned out pretty crappy. The lens cuts the exposures in half, so I've got twice the shots. More room for mistakes!I repurposed the camera strap from an olde Kodak Trimprint I bought from Deseret Industries for $3 some time ago.

I've been toting all of my cameras since the weather has been milder. I finally got my Lomo Supersampler to work, as well.

I decided to kill and resurrect my olde
Flickr account because I am insane. Mostly I just wanted to delete the old photos and start fresh.

And I voted!
My dad tried to pull a GOP voter suppression on me be saying "Obama already has Nevada. It's not important for you to vote." I won't call the Department of Justice on him. I can't teach him how to unzip a file from jail. Plus, who's gonna drive me to work? I'm a free-loading, queer, liberal. ¡Obamanos!
i love the different types of photos in this entry. a melange if you will.
ReplyDeletei love your lady look, but you're making it sound like it hurt.
Thanks! I would like to see more of your Holga shots. Side note: I typed "shits" and it didn't get auto-corrected.
DeleteBeauty is pain. I would rather look like a schlub in Toms than wear makeup and heels. Hot topic is the way that I nap.